Qiu Ju da guan si

He still hasn't done right by us
What d'you want to do now
They told me that
If I'm not happy with the decision
I could ask the city PSB
to review my case

I'm going tomorrow and ask for a review
You might as well forget it
Just think: A million people
in the city

if one out of a hundred has a dispute
it comes to ten thousand disputes
To you, this is a big deal
To them, it's nothing
Hey, you got a room
Go have a look
If that's the case
I've come all this way for nothing
You're due soon, right
first month of the lunar year
Sister, you want to wash
Later, you go ahead
Must be hard coming so far
I'll tell you what you do
Go and talk to the director
of the PSB here

He's a good man
This is his address
Go and talk to him
Don't get me wrong
I'm not trying to keep you here
After all, I only charge you
$1.50 per night
But in your condition
I want to help you
Don't tell anyone else
I'll give you his address
Over there
we're going to see the director
What should we take
Let's take him some snacks
City people don't like plain things
What, then
