- No, I didn't.- Yes, you did.
- I did not!- Yes, you did.
Just let me play with it.Come on, you promised.
- No, I didn't.- Yes, you did.
- I did not!- Yes, you did...
What's the problem?
- Nothing.- Then chill out.
Dad, he promised to let me play with it.
And now he says he didn't, and he won't.
Did you?
- Did I what?- Did you promise?
Yeah, but no big deal.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is a big deal.
You can't just say, "I promise,"and then forget about it.
"I promise" are the most important wordsyou'll ever say.
Well, almost the most important wordsyou'll ever say.
- You know what I mean?- No, why?
Because I say so, that's why.
No, because it only takes a secondto say "I promise"...
but the commitment could lastthe rest of your life.
Remember I told you guys aboutUncle Bobby and me when we were kids?
- Yeah.- Of course.
I didn't tell you the whole story because...
I left out a bunch of stuffbecause I figured you guys were too young.
Well, I guess now is as good a time as any.
In fact, now is just about perfect. Okay.