All right. Here.
Here, use mine.
I'll set you up with a new lure on this one.
Remember, the good fish wait for no man,
all right?
We never told Mom about that day.
And that bothered me a lot.
Comb that hair back for you.
Get you to look like a real man here. Okay.
Look at you. Look at this hair.
I now pronounce you man and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
In the summer of 1969,
we moved to the suburbs...
where everybody had a house, a car,
and two-and-a-half kids.
So we figured we fit in really good...
because with Shane,
that's exactly what we were.
Check this out. Hi! Ask who they are.
- Hey, who are you?
- Yeah, who are you?
Who's that?
But The King bought the house
from a family named the Marshals.
And there were two boys about our ages
living in it when it got sold.
They kicked out the Marshals?
Hey, they kicked out the Marshals.
Me and Bobby never kicked anyone
out of anywhere.
But for some reason, the rest of the kids
on the block always said we did.
Come on, out of the way.
We need the key.
Yes, the key! Watch out, Shane.
Give me a kiss. I love you guys.
It was there, when all of Mom's prayers
were just about answered...