Reservoir Dogs

with any trigger-happy madman
who almost gets me shot!

- What the fuck you talkin' about?
- That fucking shooting spree!

In the store! Remember?
Oh, fuck 'em. They set off the alarm.
They deserve what they got.

You almost killed me!
If I knew what kind of guy you were, I
never would've agreed to work with you.

Are you gonna bark all day,
little doggie...

or are you gonna bite?
What was that?
I'm sorry, I didn't catch it.
Would you repeat it?

Are you gonna bark all day,
little doggie...

or are you gonna bite?
You two assholes, calm the fuck down!
Hey, come on!

What, are we on a playground here?
Am I the only professional?

You're actin' like
a bunch of fuckin' niggers!

Ever work with niggers? Always sayin'
they're gonna kill each other.

You said yourself
you thought about taking him out.

- You fuckin' said that?
- Yeah, I did, okay?

But that was then. Right now, this guy
is the only one I completely trust.

-He's too homicidal to be with the cops.
-You takin' his side?

Fuck sides, man!
What we need here is solidarity!

Somebody's stickin' a red-hot poker
up our ass, and I want to know who.

Fuck. Look, I know
I'm no piece of shit.

I'm pretty sure you're okay, and I'm
fuckin' positive you're on the level.

So let's try and figure out
who the bad guy is, all right?

That was really exciting.
I bet you're a big
Lee Marvin fan, aren't ya?

Yeah, me too.
I love that guy.

My heart's beatin' so fast,
I'm about to have a heart attack here.

I got somethin' outside that
I'd like to show you guys, so follow me.

Follow you? Where?
