Reservoir Dogs

We had a load of shit he had to
pick up there and bring back here."

Part of your job is goin' different
places. That's the beauty of it.

We got places all over the place.
See, Vic?
Did I tell you not to worry?

- Vic was worried.
- I'll take you to Long Beach tomorrow.

We'll get you fixed up with Matthews,
I'll tell him what's what.

You know, I really appreciate
what you guys are doin'...

but I'd like to know
when I can come back...

you know, do some real work.
Well, it's hard to say.
It's kind of a strange time now.
Things are kind of--
They're a little fucked up,
is what they are.

We're just gettin' ready for
a big meetin' right now in Vegas.

Look, just let Eddie for now
set you up at Long Beach.

Get you a job,
give you some cash...

and get this Scagnetti fuck
off your back...

and then we'll talk
to you, all right?

Dad, I got an idea.
Just hear me out.
I know you don't like usin'
the boys on these jobs...

but Vic here-- I mean, he's only
been nothin' but good luck for us.

The guy's a fuckin' rabbit's foot,
for cryin' out loud.

I'd like to have him in.
You know he can handle himself, and
you damn sure know you can trust him.

All right, Vic...
how would you feel about pullin'
a job with about five other guys?

I'd feel great about it.
K-BILLY's "Super Sounds
of the '70s" continues.

If you're the 12th caller...
you'll win two tickets to
the monster truck extravaganza...

being held tonight
at the Carson Fairgrounds...

featuring Big Daddy Don Bodine's truck,
"The Behemoth."

The 12th caller wins on the station
where the '70s survived.
