Shadows and Fog

Come to your senses and marry me.
You could tell your boss to stuff it...

- ..and you'd own half of this whole place.
- l'm not gonna marry you.

- l have a fiancée.
- Some fiancée.

Eve wants you for an ornament,
if you get the promotion.

Don't talk about Eve.
l don't wanna discuss this.

- Eve is a lovely creature.
- Eve treats you like scum. Be careful.

l'd hate for them to find you in an alley
with your throat slit from ear to ear.

Don't worry about that.
He mostly strangles.

Gee, it´s empty.
Where is everybody?
They´re supposed to be here.
Where the hell´d they go?
The street´s so desolate.
(cat screeches)
l don´t like this. l wanna get back into bed.
l can´t do that, though.

lfsomething goes wrong with their plan,
they´ll say it´s my fault.

Why me?
l'm an artist. Every town we played in,
l'd get huge laughs. And here, nothing.

l mean, no one comes, and the few
that do just sit there stonefaced.

l know. l was very little appreciated
myself. None of us were.

- Your specialty is quite different to mine.
- l don't know about that.

You can tell a lot about an audience by
how they respond to a sword-swallower.
