Nothing is more terrifying than attempting
to make people laugh, and failing.
Why do we put up with it?
When we pull out tomorrow,...
..why don't we just tell
Danzig we're quitting?
- To do what?
- Well, settle down.
Where we don't have to travel all the time,
where it's not such a gruelling life.
Get married, you know.
Live like other people.
We're not like other people. We're artists.
With great talent comes responsibility.
But it would be so nice.
You could find a job someplace.
Doing what? Collecting other people's
refuse? Sweeping the streets?
Of course not! No, you're clever.
Somebody'd give you an opportunity.
But l have a rare opportunity now,
to make people laugh.
To make them forget their sad lives.
Listen, it's not my fault
that this stupid travelling show...
..is completely mismanaged.
l'm sure Danzig steals...
every cent of profit.
- l wanna have a baby.
- We're going to, but not right now.
A family? That's death to the artist.
l need peace and quiet.
l mean, you know, my mind, it's funny...
lt's just constantly filled with...
..new routines, ideas, gags,
brilliant and creative twists.
Why don't you tell the truth?
You don't want to get married.
So you can play cards and flirt
with all the adoring ladies.
- That's not true.
- Oh, yes, it is.
l have to make a name for myself first.
- (sobs)
- We will get marr...
- l love you.
- No. You keep promising.
But soon it's gonna be too late
for me to have a baby.
Don't cry.
- Listen, l'll talk to Danzig.
- You don't mean it.
l do mean it. Stop.
You know l can't stand that.
Don't cry.