Shadows and Fog

And you're sure
your husband won't wake up?

l mean, l have seen
what he does to iron bars.

Nothing wakes Peter up.
Certainly not the sound
of two people moaning.

Oh, you...! Thank God
l saw you come in here!

- Rat! You rat!
- (clown) lrmy!

You said you were going to Danzig!
You were supposed to go to Danzig!

- Sh! My husband.
- Damn you!

- Wait! We were talking about acrobatics!
- Acrobatics!

l was showing him how to do a backbend.
You never take your eyes off her. You're
always standing under her trapeze,...

..looking up her legs. l see you!
- Because we're planning this routine.
- Sure you are!

What do you take me for anyway?
And l wanted to have a baby with you.

l know. We'll continue this later.
- l know, but l don't wanna have a baby.
- You are such a pig!

- l told you...
- You are a pig.

- l told you a thousand times.
- l don't want a baby with you anyway.

lf you were the last man on earth,
l don't want a baby with you.

You're never gonna have to see me again!
Good! Good riddance!
l like my freedom.
- What do you want, Kleinman?
- Doctor, l'm sorry.

Can l come in, just for a minute?
Would it be possible? l have a question.

- (Kleinman) Are you in on the plan?
- Of course l am.

- Didn't you think l would be?
- l wanna find out my assignment.

- Please, don't disturb anything.
- No, l wouldn't think of it.

l just wanna find out my participation
in the plan, you know.

Of course, l wouldn't mind
having a little drink.

- A drink?
- You know, the fog. lt's a little damp.

So l, you know...
But not if it's an imposition.
