(Kleinman) Poor Bretschneider.
He had no enemies.
- (coughing)
- (gasps)
- (woman) Don't be afraid.
- Oh!
- l'm sorry l scared you.
- Oh, you... you really did scare me.
l didn't see you
standing there in the shadows.
lt's such a foggy night.
l was just going into town.
You should be indoors. lt's not safe.
- (smashing glass)
- l don't care.
What was that?
l don't know.
What are you doing out here tonight?
l'm used to the streets.
lt's how l make my living.
What do you do?
Oh, l... l work with the circus.
Well, you should have stayed there.
Don't you know what's lurking in this fog?
l'm never going back.
Oh, l see.
- That's how it is.
- Except l have no place to sleep.
And l'm getting cold.
- l'll find you a place at the house.
- The house?
- The whorehouse.
- Me?