Shadows and Fog

Men and women want
very different things out of sex.

They've never forgiven each other.
(lrmy) Where would
you say love came in?

There's only one kind of love that lasts -
unrequited love. lt stays with you for ever.

- You take it from me.
- Oh, Dorry! You're pitiful.

- You don't mean that.
- l do.

- She's just bitter about marriage.
- l am not bitter.

Yeah, you are!
Marriage. Let me tell you gals
somethin' about marriage.

You gotta work at marriage,
like anything else.

- A good marriage takes a lot of work.
- When it starts feeling like work, it's over.

- lt's all luck.
- l hope not.

lt's all luck.
We're all so dependent on luck.

l would rather not admit that,
if you don't mind.

How can it all be luck?
Well, let's say this guy likes to be sat on -
..l'm serious - and ridden around
the room by a naked woman...

..who keeps digging her spurs
into his... into his side.

Yeah, Dorry. Show her your spurs, Dorry.
He meets maybe 50 women and when
he tells them, they faint or they laugh.

- Or both.
- (Dorry) And then they die.

Maybe a few good sports
do it just to please him,...

..but sooner or later they say
''What the hell is this?''

''l'm riding around on a man's back.''
''This is insane.''
''And my spurs are getting,
you know, blunt.''

And then one day he meets a woman
who gets her own erotic pleasure...

:22:32 putting on spurs
and riding men around.

lt's a marriage made in heaven.
Sheer bliss.

- Paul's...
- But what are their chances?

My boyfriend, Paul, he's really sweet.
lt's just that he's an artist, you know.
And a family's death to an artist.
l can understand that.
l'm sure you'd all find him very funny.
He's... really something.
