- What kind?
- Sherry glass.
- How many prints?
- A lot.
- Prints on the glass?
- Fingerprints all over the glass.
OK, l'm coming. You don't have to
push me. Will you just let go of me?
How many times do l have to tell you?
l don't work at the brothel!
- What's this?
- Turning tricks at Felice's place.
- l work at the circus.
- Stand there. She's loaded with cash.
- Where's a dame like you get big money?
- Well, l...
Yeah, we know. What did you do?
The whole regiment?
- Very funny. l work at the circus.
- You'd think they'd cool off with all this.
l haven't seen you before,
so l'm gonna go easy on you. $50 fine.
- l don't work at the brothel.
- Uh-huh?
OK, OK. Here.
$50. $50. OK.
But l don't work at the brothel.
- Let me give you a piece of advice.
- Can l go home now?
You don't solicit without a licence. We
like things hygienic and well-regulated.
- l'll do a receipt.
- l don't need a licence.
- What's your name?
- lrmy.
- How do you spell it?
- l-r-m-y. l don't need a licence.
Just pipe down. You're not getting
a licence. You're getting a receipt.
- You work here, you need a licence.
- This is ridiculous.
(door slams)