l swear, the dirtier l got,
the more she screamed.
l gave her the best time she's had
in years, and l believe she loved it.
Not that l have any further
urge for her, you know.
The difference between
love and lust, l guess.
When my friend wakes up,
tell him l went back to Felice's.
This is crazy. Can't l talk you out of it?
No, l don't want it.
l want the church to have it, all of it.
- But you're talking about $700.
- $650. l had to pay a fine.
But it's your money.
- Why give it away?
- Because l'm ashamed of the way l got it.
- Listen, l'm sure you didn't steal it.
- No. l slept with somebody for it.
Just one person.
Does that make me a whore?
Well, only by the dictionary definition.
- Anyway, l'm giving it to the church.
- Yeah, but that seems so silly.
lt's work, you know.
l'm sure you didn't do it for fun.
No. But you know something?
lt turned out to be fun.
Here. Would you take it in there for me
and give it to them? For the poor.
l just can't bring myself
to go in there tonight.
Please? Come on.
- Yes?
- l just need a minute of your time.
l think you can see that we're busy.
- l just... Just for one...
- Put Kramer's name on the list.
Have you seen his sketches
and his photo studies?
Just for a minute,
if l might have your attention...
Didn't you hear him say we're busy?
- Are you Kleinman?
- Yes. Yes, l am. Yes.
Don't forget.
Why is he putting my name on the list?
- You've been warned twice now.
- What is this list? Might l just ask?
- l have a donation to make.
- The poor box is in the front.