No, this doesn't fit in the poor box.
- Kleinman, you want me to take you in?
- No, no, no. l have $650.
- $650.
- lt's not stolen. He thinks it's stolen.
- Where did you get it?
- My friend said l should donate it.
- Where did your friend get it?
- We don't have to pry excessively.
We humbly accept this token
from the faithful.
And l think that we know
how to show gratitude...
..when someone performs
an act of charity.
(priest) Manna for the poor.
- (lrmy) Did you do it?
- (Kleinman) Yeah, l took care of it.
- l feel so much better now.
- Good.
Are you a religious person?
Me? No, l'm not. You're
the second person tonight to ask that.
The doctor - may he rest in peace -
wanted to know.
- Do you pray ever?
- No.
My people pray in a different language,
so l never understood.
For all l know, they were
requesting their own troubles.
- (baby crying)
- (woman) Help me.
Please help me.
- Help.
- (lrmy) Are you all right?
- (Kleinman) Who is that?
- l'm hungry.
l need to buy food and milk.
My husband is dead.
- l'm alone.
- We're friends.
You know, you're among friends.
Go back and get some of the money back.
- What are you talking about?
- l want her to have half of it.
- l can't. l just gave them the money.
- So what? Just ask for half back.
You just gave it to them.
They give it to the poor, don't they?
Well, theoretically they do,
but a lot of it is used...
..to buy costumes
and velvet pillows and stuff.
My friend asked me
if l could possibly come...
..and just have half the money back
that l gave you. Just $300. lt would...
Thank you.