Shadows and Fog

Kleinman. ls that with an ''ei'' or an ''ie''?
Put a circle around it.
Eve. Eve, open up.
lt's Kleinman.
Eve. Eve, it's an emergency.
- lt's me. lt's Max.
- (lrmy) This is a bad idea.

No, she's a wonderful girl.
Very intelligent.

What are doing here at this hour?
Who is this?

- Can we come in?
- What's going on?

She's a friend of mine.
She has no place to sleep.

- l told her she could sleep on your sofa.
- You did?

(lrmy) We're sorry. lt's much
too much of an imposition.

You dare to wake me out of a deep sleep...
:46:46 that some complete stranger
can sleep on my sofa?

She's not a complete stranger.
She's a friend.

Eve, l personally vouch for her.
l apologise, Miss.
- Kleinman, have you been drinking?
- Have l been...?

- When do l ever drink?
- Since when is she your friend?

Since tonight. l met her
at the police headquarters.

They brought her in
when they raided the brothel.

lt's not what it sounds like. Everybody
makes one mistake now and then.

Kleinman, what are you
doing out at this hour?

l'm part of a vigilante committee
to help catch the maniac.

By doing what?
l don't exactly know.
Go home, Kleinman.
And take your friend with you.

You've got some nerve.
We'll discuss this in the morning.

(Kleinman) Boy, Eve is a cold fish.
There. l said it.
(lrmy) ls it hard for you to admit
certain things to yourself?

Usually it is, yes.
But for some reason tonight is different.

You know, it's a strange feeling
to be up at this hour.

The city is so odd
when everybody's asleep.
