Shadows and Fog

''He was here before the ceremony.
True, he was drinking.''

Listen, l know what you're gonna say.
While everybody's walking around,
puzzled and muttering,...

..sensing my discomfort,
he's discovered in a broom closet,...

..making love with my sister.
Jesus. l thought l explained that to you.
What kind of explanation
could you possibly have?

You were naked in the closet
with my sister!

Look at her.
She still holds that against me.

lt's not that l didn't like you. l just didn't
love you. l thought you were pregnant.

- l was trying to do the honourable thing.
- The honourable thing?

To desert me at the altar...
..and make love with my younger sister
in a broom closet is the honourable thing?

Look, we just had
your best interests at heart.

l want you dead, and her.
Don't. She was a wonderful girl.
She's fabulous. She loved you.

She worshipped you like a goddess.
She was singing your praises.

- Till the moment l slipped her pants off...
- Get out of here!

Be careful with that. Be angry with me.
All right, fault me. But not Trudy.
Not Trudy, l beg of you. Not your sister.

l convinced her to do it. She didn't
wanna do it. l promised to get her steaks.

Kleinman's here! Here he is!
Kleinman's here!
Get out and die! Get out! Die!
You rot in hell, you filthy vermin!

lt's good to see you're not bitter
after all these years.

- (screams)
- You whore!

- l'll kill you!
- You're the one who should be ashamed!

How could you? With a student
for a few silver coins?

lt wasn't a few silver coins.
He gave me $700.

- You didn't know what you were doing.
- l enjoyed myself.

l'll kill you!
- l hate you!
- l was drunk. l was miserable.

l hate you! l hate you! l'll kill you!
l wish we'd never met. Come home.
