The number you have dialed
has been disconnected.
- What area code is this?
- Long island i think.
- What's it mean?
- I don't know. It might be where dad is.
- Did you try calling it?
- It's disconnected.
You ought to just walk away
from this thing, dennis.
Dad's in deep shit.
You ought to just go back to school.
- I'm not going back to school.
- Don't be stupid.
- I'm not going back.
- What are you going to do then?
- I'm going to find dad.
- Dennis, don't do that.
I'm not asking you to come.
Well, good, because i'm not.
I'm just telling you it's a stupid thing to do.
Look, lend me
a hundred bucks, will you?
I gotta get outta town.
I don't have any money.
- Well, go to a cash machine.
- I don't have any money in the bank.
- What about your scholarship money?
- I gave it to mom.
- You gave it to mom?!
- Yeah, i was going to ask you for money.
I don't have any money.
I've got 20 dollars,
if you want that.
20 dollars? What am i going
to do with 20 dollars?
Are you in trouble?
- I don't know.
- What happened?
I robbed some computers.
- You didn't get caught right?
- I got double-crossed.
So what's that mean?
I don't know what it means.
I just got to get out of town.
- Come with me.
- Where?
- To find dad.
- How?
I don't know exactly.
I guess i'll try to track down this tara.
With 20 dollars.
That ought to get us to long island,
don't you think?
How should i know?
I've never been to long island.
- Yes, you have.
- I have?
Yeah, you've been to queens.
Queens is long island.
Queens is part of new york city.
I don't think it's really considered long island.
It's part of new york city
but it's on long island.
- Queens is a borough.
- A borough on long island.
- A borough of new york city.
- Right.
Long island's a terminal moraine.
Terminal moraine. It's the earth
deposited by a receding glacier.
Well, shit. What are we
waiting for? Come on.
Yeah, how far out on long island
can two people go for, say, 15 dollars?
Not far.