- Hi.
- Hello.
You want a cigarette?
Where is everyone?
Bill, left with kate.
They'll be back soon.
- Bill who?
- My brother.
- And who are you?
- I'm dennis.
My name is elina.
- How are you feeling?
- I'm feeling fine.
- We met up the road. You had a...
- yeah.
- I carried you back here.
- Thank you.
- It's okay.
- It's epilepsy.
I thought so.
Come inside.
I think you should know
about my husband.
- Husband?
- Ex-husband.
He was released from prison
a few days ago.
Prison, huh?
I just thought
i should say something.
I mean, to be perfectly honest,
i'm a little nervous about being alone
at the place right now.
That's why i invited you to stay.
Does he live around here?
No, he called yesterday
from someplace in pennsylvania.
What do i need to know?
Just that i appreciate your company.
And you and him, you don't
get along real well, huh?
No, we don't.
What's he like?