Enter the vendor's name.
- A-l-l-i-s-o-n.
- Very good.
"Contract price", "Payment to date",
"Balance outstanding".
- We should've paid you last Friday.
- Barbara will handle it.
Not till I give her the word.
- I hope you're satisfied with me.
- So far.
But this is it.
There ain't much more.
A little fine tuning, that's it.
I would like
to meet your colleagues.
I was thinking
of keeping you to myself.
- What are you doing?
- You're just so tight.
Mitch, please, don't. That's enough.
Look ...
I've been a good boy, haven't l?
And you've been a good girl.
We have nothing to prove any more.
This is your last chance to play
before you're an old married lady.
Let me turn around, okay?
That's better.
Just a second.
Fucking bitch!
Take this.
I can't believe
I didn't see it coming.
- It's just so humiliating.
- The problem is you're too nice.