And I wash my hands of you.
Mark my words, Deloris.
If you continue
on this disruptive track,
it will lead
straight to the devil.
Have you any idea
what girls like you become?
Whenever I'm with him
Something inside
- Inside
- Starts to burning
And I'm fiIIed with desire
WouId it be the deviI in me
Or is this the way
Iove's supposed to be
- It's Iike a heat wave
- Heat wave
- Burning in my heart
- Heat wave
- I can't keep from crying
- Heat wave
- It's tearing me apart
- Heat wave
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
- Yeah
- I said, oh, yeah
- Heat wave
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
- I said, Oh, yeah
-Ain't nothing but Iove, girI
Don't pass up this chance
Here's a chance
for a true romance
Heat wave
Nothing you can say
can tear me away
rom my guy
My guy
Nothing you can do
'cause I'm stuck Iike gIue
- To my guy
- My guy
- My guy
I'm sticking to my guy
Iike a stamp to a Ietter
Like two birds of a feather
we stick together
I'm teIIing you
from the start
I can't be torn apart
from my guy
No muscIe-bound man
CouId take my hand
from my guy
My guy
No handsome face
couId ever take the pIace
- Of my guy
- My guy
- My guy
He may not be
a movie star
But when it comes
to being happy, we are
There's not a man today
Who couId take me away
from my guy