Sister Act

I want us to be
an honest, decent couple.

I do.
I went to confession today.
You went to confession?
Like confession confession?
You know where you kneel in the box, you
tell the priest your deepest secrets?

Well, I did that today
for us, babe.

I told Father Antonelli
I was in love...

and that it was
a special love.

A love for all the ages
and that I want to be with her.

And what did he say?
He said that if I got divorced
I'd burn in hell for all eternity.

- Hand me my loafers, doll.
- You--

No, I-- You-You can get
your own damn shoes.

So what does this--
What does this mean?

- Is this no? Does this mean no?
- No. No.

- What does it mean?
- Not no.Just not now.

Just get out, okay?
Just go.

You want me
to go against a priest?

Get excommunicated?
I'll eat the thing you made.
-Is that was this is all about?
-No, that's not what it's about.

It's about you leaving.
Good night.

Good night!
I'll call.
You're quitting just because
he won't leave his wife?

No, not just because
he won't leave his wife.

I'm quitting for a lot of reasons.
It's something I have to do.

-What's gonna happen to the act?
-What do you mean, ''What's
gonna happen to the act''?

You're gonna get somebody else.
It's not a big loss.

Well, you put everything together.
You pick all the music.

You tell us where to stand
and everything.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm a real genius.

I'm a real genius.
That's why we're packin' 'em in.

And don't you pack any more
of my make-up in that bag.

Don't think I don't know
what you're doing.

- What do you want, huh?
- And don't you ever knock?

Hey, girl, you ain't got nothing
that I haven't seen before, all right.

Yeah, well, stop tryin'
to memorize it.

- Hey, Michelle.
- Oh, please.
