Gee, what are you people,
a Pritikin order?
This stuff is terrible.
It tastes like shi--
Sisters, we shall spend
the rest of the day in silence.
- Well, why?
- Only when our lips are silent,
may our prayers
truly be answered.
Then you don't have
to eat this food.
Silence begins now...
and ends at sundown.
How can you eat this stuff?
It's terrible.
Mary Clarence,
I think you might enjoy
a ritual fast.
A ritual f-- No. No, no.
I don't think I would.
I'll just put a little salt
in it. It will be filne.
Look, I'm gonna have-- Someone
pass me the salt over there.
A fast, to remind you of those
who must endure without food.
I-- No, I don't want you
to take--
I don't want you
to take my plate.
And silence.
How can you let them grill me
in there for six hours?
I can't control how long
they're gonna question you.
- Did you go to law school, Larry?
- Yes, I went to law school, Vince.
- Did you graduate?
- Hey, I'm a lawyer.
- Of course I graduated.
- Hey, Vince.
Nice talking to you.
See you in court.