The choir, Mary Clarence.
Is this the choir rehearsal?
It sure is.
Come on in, sing a spell.
- Soprano or alto?
- Whatever.
- Hi, Sister.
- Hello, Sister.
- Hello, Sister.
- 2 1 4.
Crown Him with many crowns
The Lamb upon His throne
-AII kingdoms
-AII kingdoms of the--
Mary Clarence,
are you with us?
I don't know this one.
I-- I better--
I better sit this one out.
Excuse me.
Reverend Mother says Mary Clarence
has a background in music.
Really, Mary Clarence?
Were you a choir mistress?
- Sort of freelance.
- Freelance? Really?
Oh. You don't think I see?
You think
I took vows yesterday?
I know what you're up to.
You and Reverend Mother.
Uh, what?
You're a ringer.
She brought you here
to replace me.
Out with the old.
Oh, could you help us,
Mary Clarence?
Mary Lazarus,
you're terrifilc,
but we could
really use some help.
- Please. You've heard us.
- We're terrible.
Please, do something for us.
- Please.
- Well, there's a word for this.
So, Mary Clarence,
you think you can do better?
I believe
I'd like to see that.
Go ahead, Sister.
Make 'em sing.