Sister Act

- Cherubim
- Sing with us ye seraphim

- Seraphim
- Heaven and Earth resound the hymn

- HaIIeIujah
- HaIIeIujah

Our Iife
Our sweetness here beIow

Oh, Maria
Our hope in sorrow
and in woe

- Whoa, Maria
- Oh, Maria

Triumph aII ye cherubim
- Cherubim
- Sing with us ye seraphim

- Sweet seraphim
- Heaven and Earth resound the hymn

Girl groups!
Boogie-woogie on the piano!

What were you thinking?
I was thinking
more like Vegas.

You know, get some butts
in the seats.

And what next?
Popcorn? Curtain calls?

- This is not a theatre or a casino!
- Yeah, but that's the problem.

See, people like going to theatres,
and they like going to casinos.

But they don't like
coming to church. Why?

Because it's a drag.
But we could change all that.

See, we could, we could
pack this joint.

Through blasphemy?
You have corrupted
the entire choir!

- Excuse me. Excuse me.
- Oh.
- Excuse me.
