It's time.
How're we doing?
Carl's in position on the fire escape.
Mother's in the cable vault.
Whistler is reading.
We're up.
What's with the lobby?
Still just the one guard.
Okay, Mother,
try the ones coming off the blue trunk.
Try the ones coming off the white trunk.
These don't sound right.
Hold on.
We even have photos
of the guy leaving the embassy...
...through the back service entrance.
Hey, Crease, you on?
Yeah, I'm on.
Were you still in the CIA in '72?
Yeah, why?
Did you know the Deputy
Director of Planning...
...was in Managua, Nicaragua,
the day before the earthquake?
What are you saying?
The CIA caused the Managua earthquake?
I can't prove it, but...
I can't talk to that guy.
Hold on, Mother. Go back one.
Securing bridge clips.
Preparing to sever master alarm circuit.
Five, four...
I looked in that box just now.
There wasn't anything there.