
Sort of an old friend.
Practice! Practice, practice!
- Hi.
- We're not getting back together.

- Did I say anything?
- You will.

I'm here on business, Liz.
Bishop, you don't have a business,
you have a club. It's a boy's club.

You have a clubhouse,
you probably have a secret handshake.

Liz, I need your help.
I will not be dragged back into your world.
I have a new group of gifted children,
and I like the fact they're under 30.

Excuse me.
There's a mathematician named
Gunter Janek. You know him?

I've read him. Now go away.
- He's giving a master lecture at 3:30...
- How nice for him.

- I thought I'd buy you dinner after.
- I am not going out with you.

This isn't a date, dummy.
This is a scientific exploration, a tutorial.

I need you...
:19:54 explain it to me.
Read a book.
They found me, Liz.
The government found me.
They offered me a deal.
If I take their offer...

...they clear my record,
and I can get my name back.

You and I are not getting back together.
Don't flatter yourself.
Pick me up at 3:00.
While the number-field sieve
is the best method currently known...

...there exists an intriguing possibility
for a far more elegant approach.

This guy's good.
...over the rationals, and hence
contained in a single cyclotomic field.

Using the Artin map,
we might induce homomorphisms...

You seeing anybody?
