Well, there had been
some silliness in the past...
but we thought he was over it.
I mean, we never imagined...
that he would do
such a thing in front of...
Federation President Barry Fife.
And don't forget the official
Federation video...
yes, the only way to dance...
Wonderful to see you, Barry.
Barry Fife's "Dance to Win"
is on sale here tonight.
Well, there was no doubt
in anyone's mind...
that Scott and Liz would be...
the next
Pan Pacific Grand Prix...
Amateur Five Dance
Latin American champions.
I mean, they'd worked
towards it all their lives.
And then... came that.
Come on, Dennis!
Come on, 54!
Come on, 69!
Ken Railings and Pam Short
were dancing there that night.
Ken's always been a wonderful
ambassador for ballroom dancing.
But I know
that everyone there...
really thought
it was Scott's turn.
Come on, number 100!
It is true.
Scott and Liz became what
we term "boxed in" or blocked.