I want Tina to be
Scott's new partner, Les.
Tina Sparkle?
That's right, Les.
Bloody Nathan...
is going to announce
his retirement tonight.
Scott and Tina are
both without partners.
I think it would be
for all concerned if
they were seen together.
But, Barry, Scott's
shenanigans have been causing...
a lot of distracting chat
down our way.
That's why
it's important that Scott...
is seen dancing the right steps
with the right partner.
Dance sport needs
good young couples, Merv.
Terry's hit the nail
on the head, Merv.
Let's not start chucking
the babies out with the bathtub.
I'm 100% behind it, Barry.
Well, gentlemen...
let's make this
a bloody good festival.
Oh, Les, just a tick.
This is wonderful, Barry...
He doesn't deserve her, Les.
I've been fielding
phone calls all week...
about the steps
Scott danced at the festival.
Scott's learned his lesson.
He's changed.
We both know where that young
man was heading, don't we?
Foolish boy.
But Scott's
got his second chance.
Let's not forget, Les,
that a Pan Pacific champion...
becomes a hero...
a guiding light
to all dancers...
someone who'll set
the right example.
You've been drinking.
Bullshit! Push it.
You bloody have!
I love dancing, Les...
and I'm not going to let
what we've fought for...
all these years be destroyed.
Oh, look at that.
Go, 71!
You're drunk, aren't ya?
Bullshit. Bullshit.
Come on!
Get your head up!