Watch it, Frangipani!
Listen, sweetie...
I'm the one driving
the engine around here.
You're driving the engine?
What's that in the thermos?
Hi, Scott.
- Have you seen Fran?
- Fran? Fran who?
It's a double dip...
ah... into a quick
whip split! Beaut!
Oh, yes, a beautifully
arced crest move.
That will go down a treat
with the judges...
at the Pan Pacific this year.
Do you know where Scott went?
Excuse me.
All these steps
can be found...
on Barry Fife's
brilliant video "Dance to Win."
For 29.95, it's a must.
President Mr. Barry Fife
will be personally signing...
copies of his video
in the foyer.
Classy final, twilight lift.
Oh, look at this.
Fran, I didn't
know anything about that.
Are you going
to dance with Tina?
She's a champion.
I think you should.
She's your style.
You'd really suit each other.
I've been working towards
winning the Pan Pacifics...
since I was six years old.
Beautifully struck.