Strictly Ballroom

Come on!
Put your hands together,
ladies and gentlemen...

for the magnificent
old-time Viennese.

Thank you, couples.
You may leave the floor.

Very good, darling.
Very good.

Straight down the line.
Couldn't fault it.

Yes, well-done.
Well-done. Well-done.

- Jesus, Ken!
- I only had one drink!

Poor Tina.
It's like dancing in a brewery.

Ha ha ha!
for the beginners final...

Please take the floor.
Look, Scott! It's Fran!
I didn't think she'd turn up.
Back in beginners
where she belongs.

And she stole my partner.
You made
the right decision, mate.

I know at times it's been
confusing for you, Scott...

but I'm speaking
for the whole studio...

when I say that
by putting your trust...

in the Federation,
you're doing the right thing.

And I think this will be
reflected in the results...

of the big one yet to come,
the Open Latin final.

We're right behind you, boy.
Son, can I bend your ear
for a tick?

Doug! Don't be stupid.
He's got to get ready
for the Latin.

I must get back
to the scrutineers table.

Go for it, boy.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
