I don't understand why you have to do it.
That's right.
Because I wanna tell them,
I'm the No. 1 in the SDU.
Last time the firearm case, I was the best.
I should have been the
Chief Superintendent or Chief Inspector.
It shouldn't be
in Transport Unit P.C., No. 167.
You understand?
I do.
You're lying.
You're stupid, how would you understand?
Sing, I'm not stupid.
If the British Government, within a week,
that is before the coming
Christmas Eve midnight,
doesn't release the head of the terrorists.
They'll make trouble
in one of the school in HK.
Sing, why is Hong Kong involved
with the British Government?
Do you have a holiday
on the Queen's Birthday?
Then you're involved.
That's right.
But there's so many schools.
How do we know which one?
I've analyzed.
The undercoverjust died,
is working in
the Adam Smith International School
and those studying in this school
are the children of the ambassadors.
If I were the terrorists,
I'll make trouble there.
But what if you're wrong?
Then I'll beat you up.
Is it real?
As real as the 999 real gold.
Now you guys get ready, I'll go apply.
Sing, don't guess wrong.
Excuse me, is Principal Kim here?
Is it Manager Kim?
It's Principal, not Manager.
It's the same.
The first one on the left ahead.
Is it Principal Kim?
Come in.
I've got customer. Talk to you later.
What can I do for you?
I wanna apply for school.
Which one?
Adam Smith International School.
Which grade?
Form 6, four of us.
There're seats available. I'll arrange it.
Chow Sing-Sing, how old are you?
18 years old.
Really? You look like at least 28.
Is it real?
No matter what age you are.