Isn't it good? We can do anything.
Or is it better to be in ajail?
- It's really No. 2.
- What No. 2?
No. 2 of the 5th race.
Hey, the 6th race will soon begin.
Are you interested in my banker?
10% discount.
No? Stocks? Gold, options, currencies.
Hey, the Yen is appreciating.
How about it?
No? Women? Different nationalities,
No? Men? Animal? Dog?
Excuse me.
Hi, Sir, nice haircut.
Sir, the book is for you. How is it?
It's good.
Read it carefully, really something good.
I don't watch football.
Why don't we take attendance first?
Sandy Lai.
I'm here.
And this one... is a new student.
Stephen Chow.
It's Chow.
Mr. Chow, welcome to the class.
Matthew, chapter 27.
At this time, when Judas,
the betrayer of Jesus
saw that Jesus would be nailed, he repented.
Play Mahjong.