My pleasure, jody.
Stay. Wait. Wait!
Take it easy now. Just go
slow. Down by that tree.
Tree. Tree.
You gotta loosen my hands.
Then you're gonna have To take
my dick out For me, aren't you?
Come on, man!
I'm gonna wet my pants.
Take the fucker out, man.
I'm dying.
I gotta lean forwards,
Or dribble all over myself.
Would you hold my hands
For me?
Now, that
Is worth waiting for.
Hurry up, will ya? These
things Take time, fergus.
It's amazing how
These small details...
Take on such importance,
Isn't it?
Now put it back in.
Give us a break.
I can't do it!
It's only
A piece of meat.
For fuck's sake,
It's got no major diseases!