"why'd you sting me
Mr. Scorpion?
For now
We both will drown."
Scorpion replies,
"I can't help it.
It's in my nature."
So what's that
Supposed to mean?
Means what it says.
A scorpion does
What is in its nature.
Take off
The hood, man.
Why? 'Cause you're kind...
And it's
In your nature.
See? I was right
About you.
Don't be so sure.
Jody's always right.
Where would you most
Like to be now, man?
Doesn't matter where.
Come on, man.
If this shit
Was all over.
Havin' a pint
In the rock.
You lack
Imagination, fergus.
Think of something
More... Alluring.
Like what?
Like... Havin' a pint
In the metro.
Havin' two pints in the rock.
Havin' a pint In the metro...
And dil's
Havin' a margarita.