Ask him does he
Like his hair, col.
She wants to know, sir,
Do you like your hair.
Tell her I'm very happy with it.
He's scottish, col.
Scottish? Yeah.
What he say? He agreed That he was.
And what do you think
His name might be?
I have no thoughts
On the subject.
Jimmy. Jimmy?
Jimmy. That's
What he said.
Hiya, jimmy.
Hi, dil.
Sing us a song, dil.
Fuck off, dave.
Come on, babe. You know what I like.
Shit. Where d'you think
you're Fuckin' goin' then?
Piss off, dave.
Get off my case!
Fuckin' cow!
Go on, get in there!
Stop pushing.
This is the last time.