- then why doesn't she?
- who knows the secrets Of the human heart?
As long as we're together
Honey, I don't care
'Cause you Started
somethin' Oh, can't you see
And ever since we met
You've had a hold on me
All right,
Good night.
You can't come
In here, love.
Don't be like that.
You heard me.
We're fuckin' grand
All of a sudden, eh?
Talk to me, you stupid bitch!
Piss off, dave.
- hi. - hi.
You forgot your bag.
Thank you. Jimmy.
Who the fuck's he?
It's him, isn't it?
See, they get the wrong
idea. Cunt. What was that?
- they all get the wrong idea.
- cunt.
- scrag-eyed dyke cunt!
- charming.
What'll I do?
Break his neck.
No, don't.
He's gonna Take his
foot off Slowly, david,
And you're to go home
Like a good boy, You hear?
Come on, honey.
You all right?
Yes, thank you.
What was all that
He wants me to
Perform for him.
Perform? You know.
You on the game?
God, no.
I'm a hairdresser.
He's gettin' up.
Can't leave me then,
Can you?