Thank you, Solomon.
Don't cry, sweetheart.
Remember the rule at
the Better Day Society?
They said it's best if
you didn't handle the baby.
[ Solomon ]
I'm sorry. I forgot.
- I only wanted to help.
- I know you did.
They're replacing the small greenhouses
at the botanical gardens.
- I thought I might get
one of the frames.
- Let me guess.
You want to build
your own greenhouse.
Y eah! The frame's there,
the hardware's there.
All I'd have to do is erect it
and replace the glass.
Honey, don't you think
you're taking on too much?
Have you given any more
thought to hiring a nanny?
Honestly, I wouldn't
feel comfortable...
having any of the girls
I've interviewed take care of Joey.
Claire, it's not like
when we had Emma.
You don't need to do
everything yourself.
What about Solomon?
He could be our nanny.
Honey, I don't think
that Solomon...
would make
a very good nanny.
Why not?
Remember we had the talk about
what a special person Solomon is?
- Y eah.
- Well, there are just some things...
that he can't do.
What's gonna happen
to Solomon...
when Solomon
finishes painting the trim?
[ Michael ]
when he finishes painting,
we'll have to find something
else for him to do.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Hurry up, sweetheart.
- Bye, Mom.
- Bye.
Mrs. Thompson?
Mrs. Thompson!
[ Squeaking Brakes ]