The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

What's the matter?
You're not hungry,

Claire, I thought...
maybe you could use
a cup of coffee.

Oh, thanks.
- Peyton?
- Yeah?

Have you noticed anything
different about Joe?

No, I haven't.
Why, is something wrong?

No. I was just wondering.
I'm real tired. Michael was up all
night finishing his E.P.A. proposal.

- I got up at 4:30 to help him type it.
- I hope it works out.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- See you tonight.
- You're not gonna have pancakes?

Nah, I've got to go to Federal Express
before I go to the lab.

Let me. That's the last thing
you need to worry about.

You have the time?
My proposal has to go out today.

Okay. Thanks.
I love you.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye, Michael.

[ Peyton ] How long have you
been volunteering here?

Gee, about seven years.
These days, I mainly take care
of the morning maintenance.

- Hi, Claire.
- Hi, Stan.

Kinda like a big
botanist family here,

- right, Stan?
- Y ep.

We sit around talking
about root rot,

drainage properties of shredded bark
and other topics like that.

[ Peyton ] Is your greenhouse gonna be
something like this one?

Oh, well, hopefully.
On a much smaller scale.

I've always loved
growing anything.

When I was little,
my parents thought I was crazy.

They thought I should've
been born on a farm.

[ Cooing ]
