Mohawk field we saw was
five mile long on the river.
- Chief Joseph Brandt's field.
- You take much fur?
- That we did.
The horicane's near trapped-out now.
- Lots.
- Where are you tradin' your skins?
- Schuylerville.
With the Dutch, forsilver.
French and English
want to pay with wampum and brandy.
So what is it, Jack?
What brings you here?
French and lndian army are headin'
south out of Fort Carillon...
to war against
the British,
and I'm helpin' raise New York's
militia to fill the Crown's levy.
And the people here are
Gonna join in that fight?
We'll see in the morning.
Where're you boys headin'?
We'll trap over the fall.
Winter in Can-tuck-ee.
Find a Delaware-speaking
woman for Uncas.
She will say, "You are the one!"
Bear him many children.
Then you can have a boy like me.
You're too strong.
- Turn me old too fast.
- That's what he's doin' to his mama.
John Cameron,
thank you for your hospitality.
Mohawk got no quarrel
with les Francais.
Traded furs with
les Francais.
Now les Francais
bring Huron, Ottawa,
Abenaki on to Mohawk land.
Now Mohawk will fight
les Francais and Huron.
I speak for the Twin Rivers
Mohawk of the Six Nations.
His Majesty, King George ll,
is very grateful for your support.