The Last of the Mohicans

Scout, I'd like to
Thank you for your help.

- How much further is it?
- Night and a bit.

- Appears we're well away from them.
- Maybe.

Maybe they ain't alone.
That Huron captain back there...

The guide? He's a Mohawk.
No Mohawk. He's Huron.
What reason did he have
to murder the girl?

- What?
- The dark-haired one.

Miss Cora Munro? Murder her?
He never set eyes on her before today.
She's only been here a week.

Blood vengeance?
A reproach or insult?

Of course not!
How is it
you were so nearby?

Came across the war party.
Tracked 'em.

Then you're assigned
to Fort William Henry?

- Nope.
- Fort Edward then?

Headin' west to Can-tuck-ee.
There is a waron.
How is it you are heading west?

Well, we kind of face to the north,
and real sudden-like, turn left.

I though tall our colonial scouts
were in the militia.

The militia is fighting
the French in the north!

I ain't your scout.
And we sure ain't in no damn militia.
