
I always wanted
to find some lost
treasure or dead body...

or a ghost so I could get my
picture in the local paper.

"Local kid finds
JesseJames' gun."
Be a big hero.

Yes, sir, when I was ten,
I'd have thought this was
the greatest place on Earth.

When we find that gold,
it will be.

I'll tell you one thing,
guys that built this place
sure knew construction.

It's like the damn pyramids,
gonna outlast all of us.

Here, let's try
on up this way.

Careful, step's loose.
Man, this place
is really wild.

All these stairways
and passages.

No wonder old Eugene
had to draw himself a map.

[Indistinct Creaking]
Hey, you hear that?
What do you think it is?

[Creaking Continues]
Behind this door.
[Creaking Continues]
Jesus Christ.
Oh, God, that stinks.

Oh, God, oh.

What was that you
said about wantin'
to find a body?

What the hell
happened to his face?

Rats must have chewed it.
His hands too.

God, that's rank.
Look, poor bastard even had
his shoes on the wrong feet.

Yeah. Draft in here
is makin' the body swing.

Come on,
let's close this up.
