I mean, the guy
ain't goin' anywhere.
Okay. Okay,
I guess you're right.
Damn right I'm right.
I'll tell ya something else
I'm right about.
This is the fifth floor
and behind that door...
that's where Eugene
stashed his gold.
What'd I tell you, Vince?
This vestibule must lead
to where the apartments were.
I'd say old Eugene knew
what he was talkin' about.
Hey, look at that.
Peep slot.
Old-fashioned security.
We're gonna find that gold.
I'm tellin' you
I can smell it.
All right now, here we are.
We're back from
the third window.
I'd make that one the third.
So maybe 'round there, huh?
Let's find out.
[Beeping Increasing]
There it is, Vince.
I told ya.
Didn't I tell ya it
was gonna be here?
Stand back.
Go on. Go on.
Hit that thing.
Come on, Vince.
I knew we was
gonna find it.
Come on!
Shit! Just some pipe
and an old junction box.
You know, we're probably gonna
find lots of this kind of stuff.
Maybe this is gonna take
longer than we thought.
I'm gonna keep scannin'
the floor. If I get
a signal, you dig it up.
If you see anything,
you let me know.