I got a good mind to take
you down and bust you.
Give me a break!
You ain't gonna
bust me for nothin'.
I oughta run your ass in.
I ain't gonna give you a break.
I'm gonna take you down.
Get your fuckin'hands off me, man.!
Get up!
As soon as I do,
I'm gonna kick your butt!
I'm gonna blow
your fuckin' head off!
You got no right to be messin...
Get in there!
Sit down!
You got no right to be
treatin' me like this!
Who do you think you are?
Now, cover him.
You know how to use this thing?
What are you askin' me for?
Do you know
how to use it?
Of course I know.
I was four fuckin' years
in the State Guard, but I
don't want any part of this.
You're already part of it.
Take it and keep him covered.
Take it!
Look, Don, he's just an old
tramp. I don't see why
we just can't let him go.
What, so he can come
back with the cops and a
whole bunch of his friends?
Hey, man, I ain't
goin' back to no cops.
I ain't goin' to no cops!
I don't care
what you're doin'here.
I don't know nothin;
- Cross your hands. Cross 'em!
- We're gettin' in awful deep.
I thought we agreed.
We found somebody here,
we cut 'em in on it.
I say he ain't
entitled to jack shit.
You wanna cut him into
your share, you go right away.
Share of what?
What you gray boys
cookin' up?
Keep your mouth shut, old man.
Now you listen to me,
I got mortgage
payments on a house
I just got kicked out of,
plus my own rent money
which they just jacked up on me,
plus fuckin' taxes that get
higher every fuckin' year...
just so that guys
like him can keep eatin'
without doin' any work.
Now if that loot is here,
buddy, I want it.
And I'm not gonna share it
with some old bum.
Look, I...
I don't like this at all.
But you don't have to worry,
'cause nobody's gonna hurt ya,
I promise.
What right you got
to come bustin' in here,
messin' with a man's shit
and fuck it all up?
Look what you done
to my floor.
How am I gonna live here?
Just look what you done.
I said I was sorry.
Look, I'll make it up to ya,
all right?