Here's 40 bucks, okay?
40 bucks!
What, you gonna give me
a mule too? Fuck you.
Shit, if you don't want it,
I'll keep it.
We... Well.
Yeah, wait, I'll take it.
[Indistinct Noise]
[Pick Pounding]
Don! Don!
Somebody's comin'!
[Indistinct Rap]
All right, he makes any noise,
you shut him up.
How am I supposed
to do that?
Oh, shit.
He's a tied-up old man.
How hard can it be?
Bust him in the face
if he gets outta hand.
Untie me and I'll bust you.
Don, I'm not gonna
duke out some crazy old man.
Will you understand
the fuckin' situation here?
I understand fine.
I got two white
motherfuckers breakin'...
[Bradlee Muffled]
And you, I'm gonna go
through you like Ex-Lax.
Hey! Come back here!
Fuck you!
Hey, Don, this whole deal's
goin' south. Let's get
the hell outta here.
I'm not leavin' here
without that gold.
You stay here.
I'm gonna take a look around.