
You heard him. As long as
you got me, they're gonna be
on your asses like glue.

They already got the place
surrounded, and my brothers
will be here with more soldiers.

Yeah? As long as
we got you, they ain't gonna
be shootin' at us, are they?

I ain't scared of shit.
You know why?

I've been through three drive-bys,
and I ain't never been hit.

Bullets just go around me.
That's why they call me Lucky.

Lucky! Motherfucker.
Look, all they want
is the kid.

Now they know we got a gun.
Maybe if we let him go,
they'll back off!

Damn it, Vince.
They want us dead.

We're witnesses.
As long as he's alive,
we got a chance.

If we let him go, they're
gonna kill us for sure.

[Indistinct Rap]
It's about time
you guys got here.

So, what's up?
You got a problem?
Yeah, we got a problem.

Shit, three more.
Makes eight of'em.

We're screwed, Don.
Hey, yo, K.J.,
Man, what's up?

Three white motherfuckers,
they got my kid brother in there.

I didn't see but two.
Lucky said there was three.

You get Raymond?
Yeah, man, he'll be here.

White motherfuckers?
Down here?
Who are they, the man?

Hell, no. They just asked me
for cops. If they want cops,
they can't be cops.

Damn it!

Let me try that Halligan.
Come on. Here we go.
