I don't know what
this stuff is anymore.
God's gold, our gold,
fool's gold.
About all we can do...
is take as many of'em
with us as we can,
and hope for the best.
Maybe we could try
walkin' outta here,
usin' Lucky as a shield.
Not with just one gun.
Be better tryin' to nail
one of them first,
get ourselves
another weapon.
What about tradin' the gold
to 'em for our safety?
They'd kill us anyway.
I would if I was them.
Truth is, I don't see
any way we're gonna
get outta here quiet.
A fortune in gold, and
it's just plain worthless.
We might as well
let Bradlee go.
Hey, Bradlee.
We got no reason
to hold you here anymore.
You're free to go.
Hey, wait a minute.
I got a proposition for ya.
That gold laying over there
is worth a million dollars.
You can have all of it.
You can take it all with ya.
You just promise one thing:
You're gonna call the cops for us.
It ain't gonna do me
no damn bit of good.
How am I supposed
to get outta here?
They're gonna kill me
as soon as I step
one foot outside the door.
Them niggers'd kill anybody,
including their own grandma.
You haven't got
much of a chance
in here with us.
If I can figure a way
to get us outta here,
do I get the gold?
You know a way out?
Do I get the gold?
Hell, yes!
Let's hear 'im out!
Wait a minute!
You know a way for us
to get outta here, we
split the gold three ways!
We're in this together.
That's not what you said
a minute ago.
A minute ago we was all dead.
Now, take it or leave it.
I'll take it.
The chimney.