I do somethin' wrong,
Mind tellin' me what
you're doin' around here?
I was just lookin'
for a place to take a leak.
Step on outta the car,
Man, somethin' ain't right.
Don't them fools know
the police're out there?
Why ain't they
sayin' nothin'?
I hope Luther doesn't
take a shot at 'em.
Do you want me
to call him?
No. Even he
ain't that stupid.
We got a report of
some shots being fired
in the area.
You wouldn't know
nothin' about that,
though, would ya?
No, sir. Like I said,
I was just lookin' for
a place to take a leak.
Turn around.
Put your hands
on top of the car.
[Police Radio: Indistinct]
What's up?
We got a call.
It's a 10-85.
What's up with
this guy?
Him? Nothin'.
Just hangin'.
Let's get the hell
outta here, man.
All right.
Here, man.
Look, this ain't
no public outhouse.
There's some gas stations
along the highway.
Why don't you find one?
[Engines Rewing]