Savon, move!
Go get some gas.
Oh, shit! Finally we doin'
some shit right...
like I been tellin' you
all day.
All right, all right.
This is what I want you
to do. Get some grease,
some of that C-four.
Hook up some of them specials.
We're gonna blow
this piece of shit up...
and burn it
to the fuckin' ground.
I know what time it is.
Check this out, Wickey.
Talk to Cletus, call Luther.
Make sure that dumb motherfucker
knows what's goin' on.
Hey, Video,
you goin' or what?
We need some help.
No, I'm stayin'
with KJ.
Aw, man, you lazy punk.
Stop actin' like a girl.
Get off K.J.'s junk.
[Indistinct Rap]
[Mumbling, Groaning]
Those handholds
look solid to me.
I figure we can
make it up okay.
Bradlee, hurry up
and pack that gold.
Supposin' those fuckers
bust in here while we're
halfway up the chimney?
That kid's gonna start
yappin', and our ass
is gonna be cooked.
[Lucky Groaning]
You got a point.
We gotta
shut him up.
Sure, Don, kill him.
Kill him in cold blood.
What choice have we got?
This is survival, Vince.
He's just a junkie.
He's gonna die anyway.
We got a fuckin' choice!
I'm open to suggestions.
You got any bright ideas?
Shit, we could
knock him out!
Let's see you do it.
Take this in the other room,
and hit him on the head
with it.
Wait a second.
Aw, shit!
Look, he's got cocaine
or heroin, or whatever
the hell this stuff is.
What if we dope him up?
I don't want nothin' to do
with no dope!
Bradlee, finish
packin' the gold.
At least it's not
murder, Don.