You better get outta here, old man.
The whole place is goin' up.
No! Oh, shit!
Who you, old man?
What you doin'
with my bag?
I left that here.
Put it down.
This here's my
personal stuff.
This is all I got!
Is that right? I think
you got some gold in there.
Put it down!
I don't know nothin' about
no gold! What would I
be doin' with some gold?
Don't fuck with me, old man.
I know you got
somethin' in there.
That gold's goin' with me,
or I'm gonna bust a cap
in your ass. Put it down!
You want it, take it.
I don't wanna die
for no sack of goods.
You got that right,
old fool.
Fuck it.!
You can burn up
with everything else!
Oh, shit!