Under Siege

President Bush is paying final tribute
to the ship...

...and her great history.
Did you hear the joke about Andre
and Beaudreau hunting on the bayou?

Where're the guns, Druillet?
That's about right.
In the end...
... this unity of purpose....
These ceremonies not only remember war,
they celebrate peace.

The President ordered the removal
of all Tomahawk cruise missiles...

...from U. S. surface ships.
Tomorrow the ship embarks for
San Francisco for her final voyage.

Her weaponry will be removed,
dismantled, and never fired again.

The vessel will then
take her place in naval history.

We will gain the inevitable triumph,
so help us God.

Look at the money spent
on this photo opportunity.

Ready to go, sir.
Very well, let's single up.
Aye, sir.
Single up all lines.
Captain, you have clear water to port.
Very well.
Krill ain't running this ship.
The old man has to okay
all helicopter landings.

How's the captain going to authorize
a surprise party for himself?

We already stowed all the gear.
What's on this helicopter?
This little sweetheart.
-She's in the--
-Yeah, she's in the cake.

That is Miss July '89. Jordan Tate.
