Under Siege

Be careful with that word, Tom.
This is Admiral Bates speaking.
Tell us why you're doing this.

Hi, Admiral!
Six months ago, Tom Breaker
canceled Operation Cleopatra.

Shortly thereafter, two young men
from Langley tried to cancel me.

Didn't you receive
each man's forefinger in the mail?

Did you expect us
to wait for you to try again?

I know things are a little. . .
-. . .chaotic for you right now.

Wake up!
You and I know that chaos and
bedlam are consuming the entire world.

UV rays are only the beginning.
We have an inch of topsoil left.

Sexually transmitted diseases,
depletion of the gene pool.

It adds up to oblivion.
Governments will fall.
Anarchies will reign.

It's a brave new world.
What are you planning to do?
Do you realize that whatever I do
is inevitable? Can we agree on that?

Not necessarily.
There you go.
You can't argue with me
or negotiate or attempt a ploy.

You have to reconsider your philosophy.
All right, I'm sorry.
Whatever you decide to do is inevitable.

Look at my life.
The life you tried to take.
There was Annapolis, Vietnam, so on.

I missed the 60s,
and I believe if I had been there. . .

. . .to contribute,
everything would've been fine.

Bill, if this is about
reliving the 60s, you can forget it.

The movement is dead.
Hence the name.
It moves a certain distance,
then it stops.

Revolution gets its name by always
coming back around in your face.

You tried to kill me,
you son of a bitch.

So welcome to the revolution.
There's more to follow.
I'll stay in touch.
